Full company details
SCHNEIDER Optical Machines Inc.
Sub. of Schneider GmbH & Co. KG
6644 All Stars Ave.
Suite 100
Frisco, TX 75033
United States
Phone: +1 972-247-4000
Fax: +1 972-247-4060
Ultraprecise Machining
Photonics Showcase
Sep 2022
The fully featured UPC 100 offers
all the benefits of SCHNEIDER’s
larger ultraprecision machines but
for smaller workpieces — even
software options for corrective
freeform machining. It is based
on a unique modular platform
to achieve the highest machine
dynamics. Providing extraordinary
accuracy and extremely low
surface roughness, the UPC 100
is the ideal choice for producing
challenging freeform applications.
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