- Company: AdlOptica Optical Systems GmbH
- Type: Other
- Type: Lossless Beam Splitter
- Number of Foci: up to 9
- Input: Collimated or Low Divergent Beam
- Output: Angularly Separated Beamlets
- Clear Aperture: up to 48 mm
- Spectra: Near-IR, Visible, Near-UV
Lossless beam splitting in several foci perpendicular to the optical axis;
to be applied between a Collimator and a Focusing Lens;
can be used with scanning optics; variable quattroXX-spot and peaXXus-spot layouts, incl. Doughnut-like;
independence of operation from beam quality and size;
spectrum: near-IR, visible (incl. 450 nm, 515 nm), near-UV
- Welding
- Cladding
- Brazing
Rudower Chaussee 29
12489 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 5659 0888 0
Fax: +49 30 5659 0888 1