- Company: AdlOptica Optical Systems GmbH
- Type: Optical
- Applications: Industrial
- Magnification: 20X
- Spectral Range: VIS, NIR
- NA: 0.8
- Clear Aperture: 20 mm
- Protective Window: Replaceable
- Range of Focusing Depth: 4 mm
- Spectra: 1030, 800, 515 nm
- Aberration Correction: Collar
High NA objectives with protective window, compensating spherical aberration when focusing laser beam inside media.
- Microprocessing sapphire
- fused silica, glass, Si, SiC
- 3D micro- and nanofabrication
- Nanostructuring in optical data storage and recording polarization converters
- Selective Laser Etching
- Waveguide recording
- Dicing
- Slicing
- Microscopy
Rudower Chaussee 29
12489 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 5659 0888 0
Fax: +49 30 5659 0888 1