- Company: Newport - ILX Lightwave, Photonics Solutions
- Type: Power Supplies
- Output Drive Current: 0 to 500 mA
- Laser Compliance Voltage: Up to 10 V
- TEC Temperature Range: –100°C to +200°C
- Temperature Sensor Type: Thermistor, IC, RTD
- TEC Current Setpoint: -4.00 A to +4.00 A
- TEC Compliance Voltage: +/- 8 V
Precision, low noise current source with integrated temperature controller for consistent, high accuracy measurements.
151 Evergreen Dr.
Suite D
Bozeman, MT 59715
United States
Phone: +1 406-556-2481
Fax: +1 406-586-9405
Toll-free: +1 800-459-9459