- Company: ECOGLASS a.s.
- Type: Lenses
- Diameter / Dimension: 27mm - 70mm
- Lens Category: Other
- Applications: Industrial, Military, Other
- diameter: 27 - 70 mm
- Beam angle: 3° - 13°
- LED optics: TIR otics
We offer several spot focusing lenses that vary in diameter. Lens A561 (image) is our largest spot lens. High precision of molded back side as well as of polished front side guarantees maximal efficiency and high power potential. Lens A561 is designed for light sources with size up to 20mm.
Arbesova 4501/66a
466 04 Jablonec nad Nisou
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 483 316 820
Fax: +420 483 306 513