- Company: Lambda Research Optics Inc. (USA)
- Type: Beamsplitters
- Diameter / Dimension: 5mm - 76.2mm
- Beamsplitter Category: Cube Beamsplitter
- Surface Flatness: < λ/8 @ 633nm
- Surface Quality: < 20/10
- Beam Deviation: ≤ 3 arc min
Provide very good control of split ratio for an individual wavelength. Since the beamsplitter coating is internal to the cube there is no risk of scratching. All four external faces are AR coated. Since the two prisms which form the cube are cemented together these can only be used for relatively low power applications.
1695 W MacArthur Blvd.
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
United States
Phone: +1 714-327-0600
Fax: +1 714-327-0610