- Company: TOPTICA Photonics Inc.
- Type: Diode
- Max. Power: 1W
- Classification (IEC): Class 4
- Wavelength: 405nm
- Wavelength - Tunable?: No
- Operating Mode: Continuous
- Beam Diam.: 1.15mm
- Beam Diverg.: 0.6mrad
- TEM: 00
- Q-Switchable?: No
- Applications: Industrial, Scientific Research
Provides 1 W output power at 405 nm combined with an excellent beam quality. Beam diameter and M² (typ. 1.15) are designed to match the established gas laser parameters, hence allow for an easy integration without significant changes to the optical system.
1120 Pittsford Victor Rd.
Pittsford, NY 14534
United States
Phone: +1 585-657-6663
Fax: +1 877-277-9897