- Company: Master Bond Inc.
- Type: Other
- Applications: Industrial
- Service Temperature Range: -80°F to +350°F [-62°C to +177°C]
- CTE: 45-55 x 10-6 in/in/°C
- Tensile strength, 75°F: 5.500-6,500 psi
- Tensile modulus, 75°F: 450,000-550,000 psi
- Hardness, 75°F: 85-90 Shore D
LED415DC90 is a one component, dual curing LED system with a specialty light penetration profile allowing for rapid fixturing and subsequent curing by heat.
Key Features include:
- Cures rapidly with LED light
- Secondary heat cure at 90-95°C
- Can cure up to 6 mm deep or in cross section
- Formulated for “side bonding” applications
154 Hobart St.
Hackensack, NJ 07601
United States
Phone: +1 201-343-8983
Fax: +1 201-343-2132