- Company: LD4B Sp. z o.o.
- Type: Diode
- Max. Power: 50mW
- Classification (IEC): Class 3R
- Wavelength: 515nm - 525nm
- Wavelength - Tunable?: No
- Operating Mode: Continuous
- TEM: 00
- Applications: Biomedical/Medical, Industrial, Metrology, Remote Sensing, Scientific Research, Spectroscopy, Other
- Operating Current: 250 mA
- Voltage: 6.5 V
- Spectral width: 3
Coupled to the single-mode (SM), polarization maintaining (PM) and multimode (MM) fibers.
Assembled in coaxial, DIL-14-pins and BTF-14-pins packages.
Konstruktorska 6-108
02-673 Warsaw