- Company: Koshin Kogaku Co. Ltd.
- Type: Semiconductor
- Max. Power: 2mW
- Classification (IEC): Class 1
- Wavelength: 1180nm - 1680nm
- Wavelength - Tunable?: Yes
- Operating Mode: Continuous
- Applications: Communications, Industrial, Scientific Research
- Spectrum Linewidth: ≤150 kHz
- RIN: ≤-145 dB/Hz
- Wavelength Accuracy: ≤±15 pm
- Wavelength Resolution: 0.1 pm
- Frequency Stability: ≤±100 MHz(60min.)
- Optical Output Stability: ≤±0.03 dB(60min.)
This product is best suited for light sources in fiber optic sensing systems or experimental systems that require performance stability at high levels. Customization of optical output power, tunable range, or other characteristics are available. Output connectors are selectable from many options.
69-3 Bodai
Hadano, Kanagawa 259-1302
Phone: +81 46 375 5196
Fax: +81 46 375 3535