- Company: TomoWave Laboratories Inc.
- Type: Other
- Wavelength Range: 660-2300nm
- Output Energy: Max 250 mJ
- Pulse Frequency: 10 Hz
- Detector: 0.1~8MHz
- Imaging Depth: ≥4.5 cm
- Imaging Sensitivity: 0.03 [1/cm](1 pmole of ICG)
The imaging system uses a precision rotating motor to achieve 360° rotation of the live subject around vertical axis of an arc-shaped probe capturing full-view ultrasound signals in spherical coordinates to obtain high-resolution, high-contrast, and high-sensitivity quantitative 3D optoacoustic images.
For resarch in small laboratory animals, operating in NIR-I and NIR-II spectral ranges.
7505 Fannin St.
Suite 500
Houston, TX 77054
United States
Phone: +1 713-282-9353
Fax: +1 713-270-5393