- Company: Edmund Optics
- Type: Mirrors
- Diameter / Dimension: 12.7mm - 50.8mm
- Mirror Category: Flat Mirror
- Applications: Biomedical/Medical, Communications, Industrial, Military, Scientific Research
- Back Surface: Commercial Polish
- Coating Type: Dielectric
- Angle of Incidence (°): 45
- Substrate: Fused Silica
High-Energy Picosecond and Femtosecond Ultrafast Mirrors feature industry-leading measured laser induced damage thresholds (LIDT) and high reflectance for both S and P polarizations. The multilayer dielectric coatings are designed for minimal group delay dispersion (GDD), high reflectance, and high laser damage thresholds, making these mirrors ideal for beam transport of high-energy picosecond and femtosecond ultrafast pulses.
Note: Please contact EO for custom wavelengths, angles, and sizes.
101 E Gloucester Pike
Barrington, NJ 08007
United States
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