- Company: TOPTICA Photonics Inc.
- Type: Fiber
- Max. Power: 5W
- Wavelength: 1050nm - 1050nm
- Operating Mode: Pulsed
- Max. Pulse Rate: 80MHz
- Beam Diam.: 1mm
- Beam Diverg.: 1mrad
- TEM: 00
- Q-Switchable?: No
- Applications: Biomedical/Medical, Industrial, Scientific Research
With more than sufficient output power, clean temporal pulse shape and extremely short pulses, it features high peak power and enables excellent image brightness in 2-photon microscopy.
Turn-key and intuitive operation, fully-integrated GDD and AOM make the system extremely user-friendly and allow you to focus on your research.
1120 Pittsford Victor Rd.
Pittsford, NY 14534
United States
Phone: +1 585-657-6663
Fax: +1 877-277-9897