- Company: CIQTEK Co. Ltd.
- Type: Electron
- Applications: Medical/Clinical Science, Life Science, Industrial, Material Science
- Resolution: 0.8 nm@15 kV;1.2 nm@1 kV
- Magnification: 1 ~ 2,500,000 ×
- Electron Gun: High-brightness Schottky
- Acceleration Voltage: 0.02 ~ 30 kV
- Specimen Stage: Five-axis Automatic
CIQTEK SEM5000Pro is a field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) with high-resolution imaging and analysis ability, supported by abundant functions, benefits from advanced electron optics column design, with high-pressure electron beam tunnel technology (SuperTunnel), low aberration, and MFL objective lens, achieves low voltage high-resolution imaging, the magnetic specimen can also be analyzed.
With optical navigation, automated functionalities, carefully designed human-computer interaction user interface, and optimized operation and use process, no matter if you are an expert or not, you can quickly get started and complete high-resolution imaging and analysis work.
E2 Building, Innovation Industrial Park II
High-tech District
Hefei, Anhui 230088
Phone: +86 551 6283 5225