- Company: AtGrating Technologies Co. Ltd.
- Type: Other
- Number of Optical Channel: 1,2,4,8,16,24,32,36
- Scan Frequency: 5000 Hz / Single Channel
- Wavelength Range: 1510nm-1590nm
- Wavelength Repeatibility: +/-3pm
- Dynamic Range: >30dB
- Number of FBG Per Channel: 40
FBG Wavelength Interrogator AGSWA is designed to be robust, reliable and long term filed operation for FBG sensing system. Based on built-in wavelength analysis module, AGSWA can update the data in high accuracy and high frequency, and provides a single suite of tools for data acquisition, computation, and analysis of fiber optical sensor networks.
5F, Bldg. B, Chiwan Industry Park, Shaodi Rd.
Shekou, Nanshan
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518068
Phone: +86 755 2667 1425
Fax: +86 755 2667 6453