- Company: Master Bond Inc.
- Type: Abrasion-Resistant Coatings
- Applications: Biomedical/Medical, Industrial, Scientific Research, Other
- Service Temperature Range: -60°F to +250°F [-51°C to +121C]
- ISO: 10993-5
- Tensile strength, 75°F: 6,000-7,000 psi
- Tensile modulus, 75°F: 250,000-300,000 psi
- Refractive Index: 1.55
EP30-4Med is a two component, optically clear epoxy for medical device applications.
Key features include:
Low viscosity
Fast curing, even in thin sections
Good sterilization resistance
Passes ISO 10993-5
154 Hobart St.
Hackensack, NJ 07601
United States
Phone: +1 201-343-8983
Fax: +1 201-343-2132