- Company: Light Conversion
- Type: Solid-State
- Max. Power: 120W
- Classification (IEC): Class 4
- Wavelength: 206nm - 1030nm
- Wavelength - Tunable?: No
- Operating Mode: Pulsed
- Max. Pulse Rate: 2MHz
- Max. Pulse Energy: 2mJ
- Pulse Length: 190fs
- TEM: 00
- Q-Switchable?: No
- Active Laser Medium: Ytterbium
- Applications: Biomedical/Medical, Industrial, Military, Scientific Research, Other
This product is a series of femtosecond lasers combining high average power and excellent power stability. Features include market-leading output parameters without compromises to beam quality and stability. The compact and robust optomechanical design allows for a variety of applications in top-class research centers and various industries. The reliability of this product has been proven by hundreds of systems operating 24/7 in industrial environments.
This system features high-power water-cooled and air‑cooled models. The tunability of these lasers enables our customers to discover the most efficient manufacturing processes. Tunable parameters include pulse duration (190 fs – 20 ps), repetition rate (single-shot – 2 MHz), pulse energy (up to 2 mJ), and average power (up to 120 W). A pulse-on-demand mode is available using the built‑in pulse picker. The lasers can be equipped with industrial‑grade modules, including harmonic generators and optical parametric amplifiers.
Keramiku St. 2B
LT-10233 Vilnius
Phone: +370 5 247 2232