- Company: Oxford Instruments First Light Imaging SAS
- Type: InGaAs
- Max. Resolution: 0.3MP
- Sensor Width (pixels): 640
- Sensor Height (pixels): 512
- Scan Type & Rate: Area Scan
- Frames (fps) at Max. Res.: 600
- Interface: USB 3.0, Camera Link
- Spectral Range: SWIR
- Applications: Biomedical/Medical, Communications, Industrial, Scientific Research, Other
- Read Out Speed: 600 fps
- RON + ultra low dark: <30 e-
- HDR: 93 dB & true 16 bits
- Dark Current @ - 40°C: <600 e-/p/s
- Operability @20°C: 99.5%
- Exposure times: Long
Wavelengh: 0.9 to 1.7 µm
> 70% QE
Designed for low light SWIR applications and long exposure times up to several minutes
Europarc Sainte Victoire, Bat. 5
Route de Valbrillant, Le Canet
13590 Meyreuil
Phone: +33 4 42 61 29 20