- Company: Integrated Optics UAB
- Type: Diode
- Max. Power: 20mW
- Classification (IEC): Class 3B
- Wavelength: 485nm - 488.2nm
- Wavelength - Tunable?: No
- Operating Mode: Continuous
- Beam Diam.: 1mm
- TEM: 00
- Q-Switchable?: No
- Applications: Biomedical/Medical, Industrial, Information Processing, Scientific Research, Other
- Power Stability RMS, 8hrs: <2 %
- Spectral Linewidth FWHM: <1 nm
- Beam Quality, M2: <1.1
- Noise (20 Hz-20 MHz): <0.2 %
Mostly used for flow cytometry, scanning microscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, sorting and many other applications. Matchbox 2 laser series deliver excellent performance regarding power stability, signal-to-noise ratio, beam properties, polarization contrast and many more. Plug-and-play operation.
Kalvariju Str. 125B
XI Bldg., 2nd Floor
LT-08221 Vilnius
Phone: +370 5 219 6393