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ProPhotonix Ltd.
200 Newbury St.
Boston, MA 02116
United States
SWIR Line Light
Vision Spectra
Spring 2022COBRA HyperSpec SWIR line light from ProPhotonix Ltd. provides illumination from 950 to 1750 nm.
The tunable device is fully customizable and can be configured to a range of applications such as textile recycling and quality control in the food industry. It allows users to optimize the spectrum to maximize contrast, compensate for camera sensitivity, and deliver clearer, higher resolution images for increased accuracy and speed. Discrete control of each wavelength allows users to select the optimum wavelength balancing and relative intensities specific to the application needs. COBRA HyperSpec is modular and is available in any length up to 6 m.
Strobe capability can be configured to pulse all four strobe lines either simultaneously or sequentially with a combined delay and response time of <1 μs. In addition, COBRA HyperSpec offers field adjustable optics allowing users to select the optimum lens position for its application.
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