Full company details
Navitar Inc.
Unit of AMETEK
200 Commerce Dr.
Rochester, NY 14623
United States
Phone: +1 585-359-4000
Fax: +1 585-359-4999
SingleShot Wide FOV Objective Lenses
![Navitar - SingleShot Wide FOV Objective Lenses](https://www.photonics.com/images/Web/Products/2024/3/11/singleshot_2_lens.jpg)
Wide FOV, high resolution objective and tube lenses for advanced microscopy solutions. Achieve wider FOV to capture more of sample with each image or magnify smaller regions of interest for viewing features less obvious in a larger ROI. Resolve ~1.24 - 3.59 microns with Navitar SingleShot objective lenses available: 53 mm (0.283 NA), 80 mm (0.188 NA), 110 mm (0.094 NA), and 160 mm (0.136 NA). Use with large format 4/3", 1.1", and 1" sensors such as Pixelink PL-D7620, compatible with coax, ring light or Kohler illumination.
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