Full company details
MKS Ophir
Unit of MKS Instruments Inc.
Light & Measurement
3050 North 300 West
North Logan, UT 84341
United States
Phone: +1 435-753-3729
Fax: +1 435-753-5231
Toll-free: +1 866-755-5499
Non-Contact VIS NIR Beam Profiler
Photonics Showcase
Jul 2024![](https://www.photonics.com/images/Web/Products/2024/7/15/Non_Contact_VIS_NIR_Beam_Profiler.jpg)
Conventional beam measurement
places a probe in the beam, causing
potential damage and slowing
measurement. Ophir
® BeamWatch
Plus is a non-contact beam profiler
that takes continuous measurements
using Rayleigh scatter. This provides
instant readings of focus spot size,
beam position, full beam caustic,
and dynamic measures of focal plane
location during start-up. Operates in VIS wavelengths (420 - 635nm),
as well as NIR (950 - 1100nm).
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