Photonics SuppliersSensors & DetectorsInfrared Detectors

LaserPoint srl

MapVia Burona, 51
20055 Vimodrone, Milan
Phone: +39 02 2740 0236
Fax: +39 02 2502 9161
LaserPoint manufactures a wide portfolio of laser power and energy meters able to perform laser measurements with high accuracy. They developed the hard coatings to absorb the laser radiation which allows laser and energy sensors to safely work to the highest level of optical power density. Laser Point consistently supplies its OEM, industrial, medical, and scientific customers worldwide with laser power and energy tools with proven accuracy and reliability.
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Technologies include:

photodiode sensor from laserpointPhotodiode Sensors

Photodiode Sensors convert incident laser photons into charge carriers, which are afterwards measured as voltage or current. They can detect low light levels and are ideal for low power measurements of CW lasers. Compared to thermal sensors, Photodiodes have a more confined spectral range and lower spatial uniformity.


Thermal methods of measuring power and energy are those in which radiant energy is absorbed and converted into heat, which generates a temperature rise in the absorber.
  • Surface Absorbers consist of a thin layer of materials deposited onto substrates, that can easily transfer heat like high conductivity metals.

  • Volume Absorbers gradually absorb radiation as it penetrates the material. LaserPoint’s absorbers can withstand peak powers of 100GW/cm2 and energy densities up to 30J/cm2.

  • Super Hard Coating withstands more than 12KW/cm2 in CW operation, with an effective applied power of 1KW of YAG laser, or 40J/cm2 with laser diodes peak powers of 3.2 KW @1 ms!

blink series thermal sensors from laserpointHigh Speed Thermopiles

High speed thermal sensors measure the energy of single laser pulses with repetition frequencies up to the MHz range. The the sensor works in a broadband spectrum, from UV to THz and operates in a broad range of incident average optical power densities of the laser radiation, without needing to adopt precautions.


calorimeter from laserpointLaserPoint’s instrument based on calorimetric measurement, can safely face the high-power densities of today’s lasers. The presence of Super Hard Coating as radiation absorber helps achieve a higher absolute power measurement capability with compact footprints associated to a higher damage threshold.
Established: 1987
Employees: 20
Facility area (sq ft): 7000
Ownership type: Privately Owned
Andrea Brinciotti, Managing Director
Sergio Pellegrino, R&D Director

Company News
New Product - Pulse Controller - A new dedicated system for laser process optimization through Pulse-to-Pulse Energy measurement of Fast and Ultrafast Laser

Pulse Controller - Optimizing Micromachining Processes Through Pulse-to-Pulse Measurement of Ultrafast Lasers

Ultrafast Laser Measurement - Blink High Speed Sensor - LaserPoint srl
Buyers' Guide Print Ads
laser power meterslaser energy metersthermal sensorsbeam dumpscalorimeterspower probesphotodiodeslaser beam deliverylaser process monitormaterial processinglaser micromachiningUltrafast LasersUltrashort Laserslaser measurementpower sensorsenergy sensorsfemtosecondpicosecondfemto laserpico laser
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