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Highland Technology Inc.
650 Potrero Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94110
United States
Phone: +1 415-551-1700
Fax: +1 415-551-5129
Ethernet Time Interval Counter

The T680 contains five wide-range time stampers where each channel can snapshot the time of the rising edge of one electrical input to 12.2 ps resolution with 48 bit range. In time stamp mode, individual time stamps may be read. In TIC mode, channel 0 may be used as the “start” time reference for channels 1-4, with the option to acquire times after or before/after the start event.
Each channel also has a 1023-entry FIFO memory which stores time stamps and each channel can be programmed to be enabled, disabled, or use various gate modes to enable trigger recognition. Controlled via 100 Mbit Ethernet and USB interfaces, the T680 comes in a compact extruded enclosure. Power supply is included, and other accessories are available for easy set up.
Custom versions can include DRAM and perform internal histogramming or accumulate array data for applications like fluorescent decay and 2D delay line imaging.
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