Polytec Exits Machine Vision Space
Optical measurement company Polytec will end sales of components for industrial image processing on July 31, the company said. The related product portfolio comprising the company’s machine vision division will be taken over by Jumavis GmbH.
Dirk Samiec, business unit manager in Polytec’s photonics business division, said that the divestment stems from Polytec’s intention to strengthen and expand its core business in the area of complex optical measurement technology, systems, and solutions.

Jumavis GmbH, with managing director Johanna Unrath (center), acquires the complete range of products for industrial machine vision. Alfred Link (left) and Dietmar Gnass (right) are managing directors of Polytec. Courtesy of Polytec.
The complete range of products related to industrial machine vision will be taken over by Jumavis GmbH with managing director Johanna Unrath.
“Our employee Johanna Unrath has helped shape machine vision at Polytec for 16 years, and she was the heart of the department for many years,” Samiec said. “She knows all facets of the business and most of our customers and partners personally. We are very pleased to be able to provide our valued customers with a competent, reliable, and trustworthy new partner in Jumavis GmbH.”
The team that has been in charge of industrial machine vision at Polytec will continue to work at the company, though on new tasks. Existing customer orders will still be handled by Polytec or transferred to Jumavis at the customer’s request. Polytec will remain responsible for existing warranty and service claims.