A collaboration between Kalpana Systems, HyETSolar, and TNO aims to advance the commercialization of perovskite solar cells. The Perovision Project partners' undertaking is to optimize nickel oxide (NiOx) layers for perovskite solar cells using atomic layer deposition (ALD). The goal of the Perovision Project is the development of a pilot-scale spatial ALD process for NiOx layers in a perovskite solar cell. NiOx can improve the efficiency, reliability, and stability of perovskite solar cells but is difficult to produce with high quality at an industrial scale. Spatial ALD enables the deposition of NiOx with atomic precision at high throughput. This combination of precision and speed is crucial for commercial viability, ensuring both the quality and cost-effectiveness needed for large-scale production of perovskite solar cells. Harald Kerp, senior business developer at TNO. Courtesy of TNO. “By ensuring high-quality layer deposition, we can accelerate the adoption and strengthen the Dutch ALD industrial ecosystem,” said Harald Kerp, senior business developer at TNO. The applied science and technology organization will play a leading role in material characterization and process optimization for the project. Kalpana Systems will contribute expertise in thin-film development to help refine the spatial ALD process for perovskite solar cells. HyETSolar, a developer and manufacturer of flexible thin film photovoltaics, sees the project as an enabling technology development for flexible perovskite roll-to-roll production. “Kalpana Systems’ technology will enable us to manufacture perovskite modules at industrial scale,” said Thierry de Vrijer, director of technology of HyETSolar. The project received an Energy & Climate Research and Development (EKOO) Electricity Subsidy grant from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency to support the Netherlands’ energy independence and transition. It will run from February 2025 to January 2027, targeting integration into HyETSolar’s production line by mid-2027 and full-scale production by 2030.