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Chemical Symbols for the Elements

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Chart of the first 118 chemical symbols for the elements.

Chemical Symbols for the Elements

Ac - Actinium
Ag - Silver
Al - Aluminium
Am - Americium
Ar - Argon
As - Arsenic
At - Astatine
Au - Gold
B - Boron
Ba - Barium
Be - Beryllium
Bh - Bohrium
Bi - Bismuth
Bk - Berkelium
Br - Bromine
C - Carbon
Ca - Calcium
Cd - Cadmium
Ce - Cerium
Cf - Californium
Cl - Chlorine
Cm - Curium
Cn - Copernicium
Co - Cobalt
Cr - Chromium
Cs - Caesium
Cu - Copper
Db - Dubnium
Ds - Darmstadtium
Dy - Dysprosium
Er - Erbium
Es - Einsteinium
Eu - Europium
F - Fluorine
Fe - Iron
Fl - Flerovium
Fm - Fermium
Fr - Francium
Ga - Gallium
Gd - Gadolinium
Ge - Germanium
H - Hydrogen
He - Helium
Hf - Hafnium
Hg - Mercury
Ho - Holmium
Hs - Hassium
I - Iodine
In - Indium
Ir - Iridium
K - Potassium
Kr - Krypton
La - Lanthanum
Li - Lithium
Lr - Lawrencium
Lu - Lutetium
Lv - Livermorium
Mc - Moscovium

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Md - Mendelevium
Mg - Magnesium
Mn - Manganese
Mo - Molybdenum
Mt - Meitnerium
N - Nitrogen
Na - Sodium
Nb - Niobium
Nd - Neodymium
Ne - Neon
Nh - Nihonium
Ni - Nickel
No - Nobelium
Np - Neptunium
O - Oxygen
Og - Oganesson
Os - Osmium
P - Phosphorus
Pa - Protactinium
Pb - Lead
Pd - Palladium
Pm - Promethium
Po - Polonium
Pr - Praseodymium
Pt - Platinum
Pu - Plutonium
Ra - Radium
Rb - Rubidium
Re - Rhenium
Rf - Rutherfordium
Rg - Roentgenium
Rh - Rhodium
Rn - Radon
Ru - Ruthenium
S - Sulfur
Sb - Antimony
Sc - Scandium
Se - Selenium
Sg - Seaborgium
Si - Silicon
Sm - Samarium
Sn - Tin
Sr - Strontium
Ta - Tantalum
Tb - Terbium
Tc - Technetium
Te - Tellurium
Th - Thorium
Ti - Titanium
Tl - Thallium
Tm - Thulium
Ts - Tennessine
U - Uranium
V - Vanadium
W - Tungsten
Xe - Xenon
Y - Yttrium
Yb - Ytterbium
Zn - Zinc
Zr - Zirconium

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