Williams Expands Presence in Metro Markets
TULSA, Okla., April 17 -- Williams Communications is expanding its presence in major metro markets through agreements with neutral colocation providers Switch and Data, and PAIX.net. By entering into these agreements in high-demand metro areas, Williams will increase access to its network and extend its reach to more than 200 network connection points.
Under the terms of the agreements, Williams Communications will offer a variety of services in Switch and Data and PAIX.net facilities, including metro private line and metro wave services, as well as a range of high-bandwidth offerings, including local and global transport services.
Williams Communications will provide services in 20 Switch and Data Convergent Network Centers in Tier 1 and 2 markets including Atlanta, Boston, Dallas, New York, Minneapolis, St. Louis and Washington D.C. Williams Communications will offer its services in nine PAIX.net facilities in Palo Alto and San Jose, Calif., Seattle, Dallas, New York, Boston, Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Vienna, Va., near Washington, D.C.