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Integrated Photonics Companies Join Forces, Target Hybrid Solutions Supply Chain

Three photonic integrated circuit (PIC) developers have partnered to simplify and enhance heterogenous integration through micro-transfer printing (MTP). The collaboration, the companies said, aims to close existing gaps in the PIC value chain and offer faster transitions from R&D to mass production.

The collaboration brings together Ligentec, a developer and provider of silicon nitride (SiN) PICs; X-Celeprint, an MTP technology developer; and X-FAB, a specialty foundry for analog mixed-signal application-specific integrated circuits, MEMS, microsystems, and photonics.

“After years of intensive R&D, we are seeing significant uptake and interest in micro-transfer printing, said Kyle Benkendorfer, CEO of X-Celeprint. "The technology readiness level in photonics integration has reached the stage to bring it to the market, offering customers a powerful solution to overcome the challenges of hybrid PICs.” 

Per the collaboration, Ligentec will integrate photodetectors onto its SiN platform using MTP technology. This will be offered as an additional module to their regular multi-project wafer runs, providing an entry point for customers. X-Celeprint will contribute its expertise in process development, with X-FAB targeting scale-up from prototyping to volume production.

In announcing the collaboration, the partners identified the advancement of PIC technology toward chiplets and specifically the desire to achieve hybrid solutions. Currently, they said, the industry lacks an integrated supply chain to streamline the path from development to production.

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