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Radiant Opto-Electronics Corporation Acquires NIL Technology

Taiwanese display manufacturer Radiant Opto-Electronics Corporation (ROE) has reached an agreement to acquire NIL Technology (NILT). ROE and NILT are active collaborators, and the acquisition follows ROE's investment into the meta-optics technology company earlier this year.

The acquisition is subject to governmental approval and expected to close during the first quarter of 2025.

NILT is a developer of meta-optics technology and nanoimprint lithography (NIL)-based production processes. According to the company, its NIL-based manufacturing allows for both high volume production as well as greater precision and versatility in the creation of nanostructures for higher performance meta-optics. The company raised $31 million earlier this year.

NILT will continue its operation unaffected, the company said, and will continue to support customers with design, prototyping, and mass production.

ROE, founded in 1995, is a manufacturer of backlight modules. In recent years, the company has been updating and expanding its production capabilities, and has established a complete molding and forming plant in order to expand its offerings. The company acquired Nanocomp Oy, a provider of micro- and nanostructured films in 2023.  

The addition of NILT is poised to strengthen the ROE's position in advanced optics by adding meta-optics for imaging and 3D sensing as well as waveguide technologies for AR and VR applications. 

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