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SiLC Receives Honda Investment for AI Vision Development

SiLC Technologies has received an investment from Honda to develop next-generation frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) lidar solutions for mobility applications. SiLC is a developer of integrated, single-chip FMCW lidar solutions and focuses on enabling advanced AI-based machine vision. The investment was made through Honda’s startup-focused global innovation program Honda Xcelerator Ventures, led by Honda Innovations.

SiLC’s integrated single-chip frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) lidar technology. The company recently received an investment from Honda. Courtesy of SiLC Technologies.
The latest funding comes less than a year after SiLC introduced four versions of its FMCW lidar-based Eyeonic Vision System and secured $25 million to expand production to support designs for its Eyeonic solutions.

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