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Co-founders of Max Fischer (left) and Silviu Homoceanu. Courtesy of's approach uses a mix of station-mounted cameras and a bird-view camera to generate millions of data points every day. An AI element tracks material and work steps via video streams that are continuously analyzed to detect workpiece movements, cycle times, and work step sequencing. Process data is then aggregated per article and production to provide insights on process performance.

Fully automated,'s solutions do not require manual labeling, monitoring, or input, allowing companies to gather thousands of data points on production lines in an efficient way. This also includes a native algorithm that analyzes aspects like hand movements and cycle times, and proposes improvements by highlighting areas of inefficiency.

The company's customers include major production facilities in machinery, electronics manufacturing, and logistics who are seeking to optimize and enhance efficiency in manual processes, as well as for training and quality assurance. said that it aims is to expand its product reach to more companies within the next 18-24 months.

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