VSBLTY and RadarApp Test Crowd Temperature Scanning
VSBLTY Groupe Technologies Corp., a retail software and technology company, and RadarApp, a Smart City Solutions provider, are testing crowd temperature scanning as a tool to help identify potential at-risk individuals and ultimately reduce the spread of diseases such as COVID-19. The testing was launched at the urging of Mexico City officials.
The two companies are reportedly installing thousands of security kits, powered by VSBLTY software, in the initial phase of the “Smart City” intelligent camera network program, RADAR. VSBLTY previously announced this deal to have a projected three-year value of $10 million.
According to the researchers, the system being tested is a noncontact, real-time camera technology that provides continuous monitoring for health and security personnel on a mobile app. One of the core objectives of the program is to provide an efficient temperature screening tool for monitoring public spaces with the preemptive scanning of people entering facilities such as restaurants, bars, schools, and hospitals. Also being explored is the application of this temperature monitoring capability to Mexico City buses and transit operations.
“Temperature sensing camera capability is an important addition to the overall RADAR solution as it applies directly to the population we serve and the government authorities that are driving the deployment,” said Rodrigo Calderon, RadarApp’s co-founder and CEO.
Jay Hutton, VSBLTY’s co-founder and CEO, said, “It is hoped that the perfection and deployment of this technology will serve as a public screening tool to help identify individuals who may be a potential risk of spreading disease and assist in accelerating the safe return to normality we are all desperately seeking.”