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Use Advertising to Build Trust

Matthew Beebe,

“Trust leads to approachability and open communications.” — Scott Weiss

In today’s B2B marketplace there are more brands than ever vying for market share, and building trust with potential customers is absolutely crucial for success.

One key way to build trust with your customer base is to actively promote your brand and your key benefits through advertising in trusted and established mediums.

According to an Ofcom Communications Market Report in 2018, there’s one media channel that consistently outperforms all others when it comes to consumer trust. It’s magazines — 80% rank magazine media as the most trusted source for news. In fact, brands that advertise in print are not only trusted more, but also see greater brand favorability and purchase intent.

In a crowded marketplace, trust is in integral factor in how people make purchasing decisions. Here is a hypothetical situation to prove that point: let’s say that you’re in the market for a new computer. Are you going to purchase a computer from a brand that you aren’t familiar with or are you going to buy a computer from a well-known company like HP, Dell, or Apple. Of course you’re going to choose the more well-known brand, and you might even gladly pay a higher price. Why? Because you trust them!

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