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DOE Awards $60.7M Funding for Quantum Computing, Communications Projects

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced $60.7 million in funding to advance the development of quantum computing and networking. Funding of $47 million will be provided for three 5-year projects aimed at accelerating progress in quantum computing, and $13.7 million will be provided for five 4-year projects aimed at developing wide-area quantum networks for quantum-based communications. The goal is to develop long-distance quantum communication using existing fiber optic connections. Fiscal 2019 funding for the two initiatives totals $15 million.

All projects are multi-institutional partnerships and involve a total of nine DOE laboratories, 10 universities, and one nonprofit. Projects were selected by competitive peer review. 

”These projects will help ensure U.S. leadership in these important new areas of science and technology,” said Under Secretary of Energy for Science Paul Dabbar. Lists of the projects can be found on the DOE Office of Science/Advanced Scientific Computing Research website under the heading, “What’s New.”  

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