Czarske's research involves laser-based metrology for use in biomedicine, particularly for neurodegenerative diseases.
Czarske is director and C4-professor at TU Dresden; life fellow of OSA and SPIE; fellow of EOS; senior member of IEEE; elected member of the Saxon Academy of Sciences and the Scientific Society for Laser Technology; and board member of the German Society of Applied Optics (DGaO), the German branch of the EOS, and the German Association for Laser Anemometry (GALA).
Czarske´s interests include unconventional optical imaging with deformable mirrors, wavefront shaping for viewing through scattering media, and optogenetics with human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural networks.
Czarske has received the Berthold Leibinger Innovation Prize, the Reinhart Koselleck Project of the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Measurement Technique Award of AHMT, and many other honors. He has published about 200 journal articles, has over 20 patents, and has delivered more than 100 invited lectures.