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Univ. of Exeter, Cineon, Collaborate on Worker Safety Organization

University of Exeter scientist Sam Vine, Exeter-based Cineon Productions Ltd. and experts from the nuclear industry have joined to create a new worker safety training and technology organization called Cineon Training.

Example of a virtual reality headset. Courtesy of Cineon Training.

Cineon Training aims to develop an immersive, 360° training through virtual reality headsets to prevent accidents and improve the performance of workers in the nuclear industry, as well as aviation, emergency medicine, mining and construction. It also uses technology such as eye tracking and physiological monitoring to help understand how people learn and why they make errors, particularly when under pressure or stress.

"The technology and methods that we use allow us to simulate stressful, high-risk environments, using mobile head-mounted simulators," Vine said. "Our aim is to use technology, scientific theory and measurement techniques, such as eye tracking, to train people — in a safe environment — to perform more effectively and provide feedback to trainers.”

This phase of the work is funded by a grant from the Economic and Social Research Council awarded to Vine.

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