Pharma Test Acquires J&M Analytic, Expands Spectroscopy Capabilities
J&M Analytik AG, a German manufacturer and pioneer of fiber optic diode array spectrometer systems for laboratory and process applications, has announced its acquisition by Pharma Test Apparatebau AG, of Hainburg, Germany, a producer of testing equipment for the pharmaceutical industry.
Harald Nitsche, CEO of J&M, left, and Björn Fähler, CEO of Pharma Test.
J&M will remain as a distinct company and become a member of the Pharma Test Group.
J&M said the partnership with Pharma Test will it to better deliver technology to customers on a global scale. On the other side, J&M said it will help expand Pharma Test’s options for analytical test systems by bringing in its expertise and technologies to contribute in the parent company’s ongoing organic growth strategy.