Forecast Sees 45% Growth in Fiber Lens Market
The global market for fiber optic collimating lens assemblies is projected to grow at 45 percent per year through 2018, according to a study by ElectroniCast Consultants.
The global consumption of fiber optic collimator lens assemblies reached $264.2 million in 2013 and is forecast to reach $298.4 million this year, an increase of 12.9 percent. The American and Asia-Pacific regions are forecast to remain close in relative consumption value market share. The Europe, Middle East and Africa regional segment should see the fastest average annual growth rate, the consultancy said.
“Fiber optic collimator lens assemblies serve as a key indicator of the growth of the fiber optic communication component industry,” said Stephen Montgomery, director of the consultancy’s fiber optic component group.
The market study covered commercial (non-military) products including single-lens assemblies, two-to-12-lens arrays, and arrays with more than 12 lenses. Both of the lens array categories are forecast with strong growth rates of more than 45 percent per year from 2013 to 2018.
Single-lens fiber optic collimator assemblies hold the global market share lead in the selected optical communications applications covered by the study. The Asia Pacific region is currently the leader in consumption value of the fiber optic collimator lens assembly market, the consultancy said.
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