Arbor Photonics Wins Fiber Laser Funding
Fiber laser solutions provider Arbor Photonics Inc. has received SBIR Phase IB funding from the National Science Foundation for its work on “High Power Pulsed Fiber Lasers for EUV Lithography.”
The supplemental award will support production of its 3CTM (chirally-coupled core) optical fiber to achieve 200 W average power nanosecond lasers in the 1030 to 1090 nm wavelength range with single-mode output. The optical fiber uses an internal structure to produce single spatial mode output from very large core fibers.
Current 3C fibers with 35 µm central core diameters have already produced >100 kW peak power short pulsed output at power levels on the order of 100 W with M
2 <1.1. To meet the increased performance goals, current fiber designs will be scaled to at least 50 µm core diameter.
The Phase IB award is an extension of a Phase I design effort that focused on developing high power, single-emitter fiber laser modules with exceptional beam quality and narrow linewidth. The features are anticipated to permit spectral combining of closely spaced laser channels to produce a single beam of nanosecond pulses with an average power of several kilowatts.
The system is intended for use in next generation laser produced plasma extreme ultraviolet lithography.
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