Want Great Services in Photonics? Try This Company!
(This is a continuation of my previous post on Photonics India, in conversation with Narayana Sharma.)
Probing a bit further into the company's business model, it was important to determine the nature of after sales service provided by the company to its clients.
Sharma added, "We take care of after sales service also and help customer choose an appropriate instrumentation. Our area is India, and we market the products through direct mailers and personal visits."
The company currently has no immediate plans of developing its own products in near future.
Now I shall highlight some of the great services this company has to offer.
Photonics India offers a host of services. These include:
Optical design of optical components
Sharma added, "This is done for niche optical components. We take the service of Dr. Stefan Gunster, head, Thin Film Div., Laser Zentrum, Hannover.
Instrument design for production and laboratory environment
He said, "This is done for customizing our principal products to suit the end user specifications. These include VUV systems, Optical lens testing system using wavefront sensors, etc."
Customized solutions to your testing requirements
Design & development of precision linear & rotational stages and precision mechanics for Optical industry.
In my concluding part of this interaction with Photonics India, I shall touch upon a bit more on the work being done by the company, and its target markets.
June 19, 2009