Optical Fibers Make Sense of Chemicals
Jane Ferguson and David Walt, Tufts University
Optical fibers have revolutionized a variety of fields: They carry
images through endoscopes, voices through phone lines, data and video
through cable networks, and, more recently, physical and chemical
information through sensors.
The fiber's flexibility, long range transmission capability, high
bandwidth, high resolution imaging ability and small size enable visual and
telecommunication in remote areas. Fiber optic technology and support
instrumentation enable measurements of many physical parameters, including
strain, pressure, temperature, viscosity and chemical parameters for
clinical, process control and environmental applications.
Our research team at Tufts University has used optical fibers to
develop multianalyte chemical sensors, microbiosensors, and combined
imaging and sensing devices. Recently, the unique features of imaging
fibers have been exploited for microfabricating nanostructures and devices.