UK Light Source Review in Progress
The UK Science and Technology Facilities Council announced that a review of the UK's Light Source strategy is underway, and that an independent, international panel of experts has been formed to consider the scientific capabilities and opportunities available to researchers there. The panel will also recommend a strategy for developing current and new facilities. Members are (chairman) Murray Gibson, PhD, associate laboratory director at Argonne National Laboratory; Jerry Hastings, assistant director of the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory; Yves Petroff, former director-general of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility; and Wolfgang Sandner, director of the Max-Born Institut, Berlin. Robert Donovan, a professor of chemistry at the University of Edinburgh, was appointed review coordinator by the Science and Technology Facilities Council. The panel, which first met in March in London, will meet there again July 16, 17 and 18. The report will be finalized in September.