Cornell NanoScale Lab Marks 30th Anniversary June 14
Cornell University's NanoScale Science and Technology Facility (CNF) in Ithaca, N.Y., will mark its 30th anniversary June 14 with "The Future of Nanotechnology," an event doubling as the facility's annual meeting and featuring speakers, technical presentations and a poster session. Invited speakers include: Stanley Williams, senior fellow of Hewlett-Packard Labs and founding director of its Quantum Science research group, speaking on future nanotech trends; James Heath, professor of chemistry at the California Institute of Technology, addressing the emerging field of nanomedicine; and Sheila Jasanoff, Harvard science and technology studies professor, discussing ethical and social issues facing nanotech. Also presenting talks are: Edward Wolf, Cornell professor emeritus of electrical and computer engineering and former CNF director; Lawrence Goldberg, senior engineering adviser of electrical and communications systems for the National Science Foundation; and CNF Director George Malliaras. The event will end with research poster presentations and a reception in the Duffield Hall atrium from 5:30-7 p.m., followed by a poster awards ceremony. For more information or to register, visit: