SPIE Offers Free Kid-Friendly Optics DVD
"Optics: Light at Work," a free DVD offered by SPIE, promotes optics-related careers to 12 to 13-year-olds using real-world example of optics applications -- remote controls, cell phones, bar-code scanners and computers -- and technology such as nanomedicine, space telescopes, invisibility and solar energy. It emphasizes the benefits of curiosity, problem-solving, ideas and applications, with testimonials to science and engineering jobs by a variety of people who have them. "We stress how engineering and science jobs align with career motivators such as an enjoyable, good working environment, making a difference, income and flexibility," SPIE said. Youthful background music, fast-paced imagery and a smart young presenter add to its appeal -- it was even recently posted on YouTube, in two parts:
www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lXLOXyPBPg; and
www.youtube.com/watch?v=FD13zvJ8CGQ (produced by SPIE and Black Dog Productions, c. 2007, 15 mins.) For a free copy of "Optics: Light at Work," contact
pascale@spie.org; or call (360) 676-3290.