Maciej Noras Named Co-Chair of SEMI Task Force
Maciej Noras, research and development engineer for electrostatic measurement instrument maker Trek Inc. of Medina, N.Y., was recently named co-chair of the SEMI International Standards
ESD/ESC Task Force-North America, part of the SEMI Metrics Global Technical Committee. He will assume the co-chair position at the SEMI North America Standards Autumn Meeting, being held Oct. 15-20 in Portland, Ore. The mission of the task force is to minimize the impact on capital productivity due to the presence of static charge in semiconductor manufacturing environments. Noras has been an active task force member for several years. He is also a member of the Electrostatic Discharge Association (ESDA) and the ESDA's Standardization Committees for Ionization and Packaging, the Electrostatic Society of America, the Materials Research Society, the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Industry Applications Society. He has published more than 30 technical papers.