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ITU Finalizes VDSL2 Recommendations

GENEVA, June 2 -- The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) said it has finalized work on new technical specifications that will allow telecommunications operators around the world to offer video, Internet and voice services at speeds up to ten times faster than standard ADSL.

The ITU-T recommendation (ITU-T G.993.2) for very-high-bit-rate digital subscriber line 2 (VDSL2) will allow operators to compete with cable and satellite providers by offering services such as high-definition TV, video-on-demand, videoconferencing, high-speed Internet access and advanced voice services like VoIP over a standard copper telephone cable.

The new VDSL2 standard delivers up to 100 Mb/s both upstream and downstream, a tenfold increase over typical ADSL. By doing so, it provides for 'fiber-extension' -- bringing fiber-like bandwidth to premises not directly connected to the fiber optic segment of a telecommunications network.

As well as addressing fast-growing consumer demand for high-speed multimedia services, VDSL2 offers carriers a solution that is interoperable with the DSL equipment many already have in place, expediting migration of customers to new VDSL2-based products, the ITU said. In addition, VDSL2 will work with both legacy ATM networks and next generation IP-based networks.

Yoichi Maeda, chairman of the ITU Telecommunications Standardization Sector study group responsible for the work, said, "We have leveraged the strengths of ADSL, ADSL2+ and VDSL to achieve the very high performance levels you will see with VDSL2. This new standard is set to become an extremely important feature of the telecommunications landscape, and is a landmark achievement for our members, many of whom are relying on this recommendation to take their businesses to the next level."

VDSL2 is seen by many operators as the ideal accompaniment to a fiber-to-the-premises (FTTP) rollout, where fiber optic lines are used to link large premises like office or apartment blocks to a public switched telephone network and ordinary copper cables are used within buildings to connect tenants or residents to high-speed services.

The ITU said its new VDSL2 recommendation will foster competitive global markets for high-speed equipment, assuring a level playing field for developers and vendors.

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