Defense and Security Symposium Topics Expanded
SEATTLE, March 3 -- The SPIE Defense and Security Symposium (DSS), to be held March 28 to April 1 at Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center, in Orlando (Kissimmee), Fla., is the largest unclassified international symposium related to sensors and sensor networks.
According to its organizer, SPIE (The International Society for Optical Engineering), the symposium "eliminates barriers for engineers and scientists who are developing and utilizing electro-optical, digital and microwave technologies for sensor-related defense and security applications. The face-to-face collaboration between researchers from multiple disciplines at the annual event has accelerated technological advancement and discovery in the field."
The 2005 symposium, with its complementary technical conferences, education programs and exhibition, will provide a unique opportunity to discuss, debate and shape the future of this field.
"A unique strength of DSS is the flexibility and comprehensive nature of presentations of research and development activities," SPIE said. "Conferences include topics on fundamental science and applications, which many attendees find highly valuable."
Twelve new conferences have been added to this year's program:
Atmospheric Propagation
Biomonitoring for Physiological and Cognitive Performance During Military Operations
Forensic Science Technologies and Systems
Future Display Technologies
Intelligent Integrated Microsystems
Laser Source Technology for Defense and Security
Micro (MEMS) and Nanotechnologies for Space Applications
Ocean Surveillance and Reconnaissance Technologies
Optics and Photonics in Global Homeland Security
Photonics for Port and Harbor Security
Space Communications Technologies
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