The new NSB members, whose terms last until May 2010, include: Steven C. Beering (second term), president emeritus, Purdue University, and first-term appointees Dan Arvizu, a CEO at CH2M Hill Companies Ltd. and executive director for energy and technologies at the University of Chicago; G. Wayne Clough, president, Georgia Institute of Technology; Kelvin K. Droegemeier, professor of meteorology and director of the Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms at the University of Oklahoma; Louis J. Lanzerotti, distinguished professor of physics at the New Jersey Institute of Technology; Alan I. Leshner, CEO, American Association for the Advancement of Science; Jon Strauss, president, Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, Calif.; and Kathryn D. Sullivan, president and CEO, Center of Science and Industry, Columbus, Ohio.
The members will be sworn in at an NSB board meeting, Dec. 15-16 at NSF headquarters in Arlington, Va. Public sessions for NSB committees and task forces are scheduled in rooms 1235 and 1295.
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