Daily News Briefs
Aculight Corp., a Bethell, Wash., developer of laser technologies, has placed 46th in the Technology Fast 50 Program for Washington State, a ranking of the 50 fastest-growing technology companies in the area by Deloitte & Touche LLP. Rankings are based on the percentage of growth in fiscal year revenues from 1999 to 2003.
. . . The
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is distributing a Spanish-language CD-ROM providing training for the calibration of mass standards used for testing commercial measuring equipment. The free CD-ROM covers the same content taught in NIST's one-week basic mass metrology course for public and private sector metrologists. It duplicates an English language CD-ROM released last fall. Both CD-ROMs include interactive activities, knowledge quizzes, examples, video demonstrations and specialty graphics and photos for specific products. Private and public sector metrologists interested in receiving the CD-ROM should contact
owm@nist.gov with name and mailing information. Please stipulate "Spanish language Version" in the request. The English language version is also still available.
. . . Photon Dynamics Inc., a San Jose, Calif., supplier of integrated yield management solutions for the flat panel display market, has announced the resignations of
Richard P. Beck and
Elwood H. Spedden from its board of directors. Spedden has been director of the company since 2002. Beck has been a director since 2000 and chaired the audit committee. Their departures leave five directors on the board, which has appointed
Michael J. Kim to the audit committee.
. . . Trumpf Inc. announced that its customer training programs are now certified by the
International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). Customers attending its classes will receive IACET-approved continuing education units (CEUs), which can be tranferred to academic credit at many colleges or used to sustain a variety of certifications. Trumpf, a Farmington, Conn., maker of fabricating machinery and lasers for production technology, conducts more than 200 classes on topics such as flatsheet laser cutting, punching, bending, solid-state and CO2 multi-axis laser cutting and welding.